Archive for ‘ February, 2011

Linearts a go go!

Two linearts in the works. One as part of the super secret, vaguely explained art project, and the other as part of my website revamp. I don’t know what happened

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Of bears and bunnies!

Watch live streaming video from reafu at

More livestreaming goodness from yesterday while snowed in. I managed to finish that picture almost 3 hours ago and it feels great!

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Watch live streaming video from reafu at

A continuation of my P4 Teddie work in progress, still having an insane amount of fun colouring this. While the stream was being recorded, I had the radio on to listen to coverage of the EPIC SNOWSTORM that supposed to hit Toronto at any moment now! So far, when glancing through the window, I have yet to see an actual snowflake, let alone the blizzard that everyone is claiming will destroy the city. And in the off chance that the weather predictions are right, and the roads are a mess for most of the day…I’ll have art to finish and sketches to ink, so it’s a win-win situation!