Archive for ‘ January, 2011


Another work in progress from project that I’ve been vaguely hinting to. One of the great things about Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 is that the official artwork uses very vibrant colours as part of their official art. With that in mind, I went to town! Even going as far as making little photoshop shapes for the little flower things that are seen through the game! If all goes well I should have this finished before the weekend is over.

Of keyboards, mice and screenr!

Been playing around with this little program called screenr that takes screen captures while you work, game, whatever! Unlike youtube and livestreaming, there’s no editing or configuring a program, just log in with your twitter account and you can make videos that are up to 5 minutes long. Amazing how many little applications want to work with twitter, but then all the cool kids are using twitter, so why not?

So while inking that picture I was blasting away May’n(as Macross Frontier’s Sheryl Nome) music. Always been a strong believer in having really upbeat, fast paced music when you’re doing particularly tedious work as DIGITAL INKING CERTAINLY IS AAAAAHHH…it takes a while. And here’s a personal favourite.


Tried adding a bunch of Macross Frontier songs to the iPod and still it doesn’t want to snyc properly…why iPod why? On the bright side, I was able to replace my keyboard and mouse, only after finding out from Logitech that they don’t make parts for the broken keyboard set. Of course they would have to stop making parts the very moment you need to replace things. I hate you Murphy’s Law!

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Everything happens in threes…

At least for me, the “three’s| have to do with technology. So here are the three events that happened within days of each other:

o1. So my 3 year old iPod had been giving me trouble since about October, November of last year. I wouldn’t be able to hear out of both sides of my headphones or earbuds and chalked it up to the normal wear and tear when it comes to audio wear. Over the holidays I went out of my way to buy a nice pair of earbuds to wear with earmuffs and still couldn’t enjoy my music properly. I decided that I would visit an Apple store and see if the ol’ iPod just needed small repairs and hoped that things would be back in order. So yesterday evening, I decide that I want to start building up my music library, see if I can actually go past the 720+ songs that I currently had. Big mistake. First it was that iTunes would sync every song save for one, no matter what I did, including uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes, rebuilding my playlists and all that, the song wouldn’t sync. I added 200-300 or so songs, iTunes just wouldn’t sync. So it’s safe to say this thing is on it’s last legs. Real shame, I wanted to add the Macross Frontier OST’s and the recently released Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt one. Guess I gotta save up…

o2. While taking a short break(for anime) from fighting with my iPod and iTunes, I noticed that my beautiful wireless keyboard and mouse set wasn’t working just right. So I fiddle with the little connect button, next thing I know, the actually button gets shoved inside the receiver, and I’m franticly trying to fish it out with a safety pin. Now I don’t know if I might have scrapped something with the pin or the receiver just conked out with age. What I do know is that the mouse and keyboard are currently useless…good thing I kept the original wired keyboard and mouse that came with the computer. Luckily, Logitech claims that you can order a replacement receiver. Here’s hoping what is essentially a USB flashdrive doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

o3. My bluetooth headset for my phone just didn’t want to turn on today. Turns out the battery was dead *facepalm*

I get the strange feeling that technology just isn’t my friend this week. Also using a wired keyboard after 10+ years of being spoiled with wireless ones is AWKWARD!

The year continues…with PENGUINS!

Yet another disgaea themed fanart for the “project”(I’ll be so glad when everything is drawn and I can actually talk about what this all is for!), almost done it. Would have finished it off today but I was galavanting around town busy! So tomorrow, no distractions, this will be finished and another will be inked, promise!

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Starting the new year off…with PENGUINS!

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