Archive for ‘ September 8th, 2009

Get those creative juices flowing!

Well for the first time ever in my life, I’ve been going through a bit of an artblock. The weird thing about it is that I have ideas but I haven’t found any that were satisfying enough to draw. Luckily yesterday I made myself a little inspirational wallpaper and as soon as I finished with the wallpaper, ideas started to flow.

Colouring old wip’s sure helps. Can you tell how much I like colouring a character’s eyes…I sure do. Not sure if I’ll put this in the junk section or not, it is sort of old…and the anatomy is atrocious…but I do need more original art. Could always mention that it’s old…hmmm.

Also as a result of new inspiration, I have a new idea for a website layout, so I better get sketching. And one last thing, if you noticed that this blog’s guestbook was broken for a little while, it’s finally fixed and working again, so if you want to leave a little message YOU CAN NOW!

That is all!