Archive for ‘ September, 2009


So I’ve jumped on the bandwagon of deviantArtists who have livestream channels. Here’s mine. Not too sure what I’d broadcast, maybe show off a little bit of my inking in Painter for fun or colouring something. Either way, stay tuned.


Full view is good!

Found this while reading through the blog of one of my favourite artists. Personas is an application that determines how you are viewed by the internet based on a person’s name. Pretty interesting, but I’m not sure how accurate it really is. I’m not a very sporty person, but on the other hand not lazy.

Get those creative juices flowing!

Well for the first time ever in my life, I’ve been going through a bit of an artblock. The weird thing about it is that I have ideas but I haven’t found any that were satisfying enough to draw. Luckily yesterday I made myself a little inspirational wallpaper and as soon as I finished with the wallpaper, ideas started to flow.

Colouring old wip’s sure helps. Can you tell how much I like colouring a character’s eyes…I sure do. Not sure if I’ll put this in the junk section or not, it is sort of old…and the anatomy is atrocious…but I do need more original art. Could always mention that it’s old…hmmm.

Also as a result of new inspiration, I have a new idea for a website layout, so I better get sketching. And one last thing, if you noticed that this blog’s guestbook was broken for a little while, it’s finally fixed and working again, so if you want to leave a little message YOU CAN NOW!

That is all!