Archive for the ‘ wip ’ Category

Sky’s the limit!

It’s true! And who doesn’t love painting clouds?


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Painter fail!

Finally giving Paint Tool Sai a go since Corel Painter decided to one day crash on me and spit out this instead of the lineart I had been working on for a couple days. So after a string of curses, frantically searching for a file recovery program(with no luck), I just decided to give another program a try. I know quite a few people from deviantArt who use Sai for their inking and apparently Painter can be really funny if you try saving your work as a psd file as opposed to the default rif file. So after reading through tips and tricks to try and prevent this, if I ever use painter again, I’m definitely saving my work as rif files and making multiple copies of the work. It’s funny…with this file that ended up being corrupted, it was the one time that I didn’t make a copy. Greeeeeat!

First new cg of 2010

My first new image of 2010! After participating in dA’s timeline meme, and writing about how certain situations keeping me from working on art, I figured it was time to change that. So while going about my day, doing random non-art things, it came to me! Since the beginning of the new year, there was tons of artwork featuring, pretty much cat girls in skimpy outfits in celebration of 2010 being the year of the tiger. So why not draw all of the chinese zodiac? So here I go…

First cg of 2010!

I just couldn’t leave this one, after being super gung ho when I started sketching and inking this! I spent 20 minutes painting the moon, sheesh!