Archive for the ‘ wip ’ Category

*watches tumble weeds go by*

Oh man, I really need to make a better effort to keep this place updated if I want people to read and comment on the entires! So what have I been up to? Well last month, I went to Toronto’s anime north convention(I really need to make that convention report!), I FINALLY updated my PC’s ram so I’m cging and inking up a storm. So expect more new artwork in the gallery!


Ahh the joys of digital inking…and by joys I mean the tediousness! But at least I can get my lines nice, black and THICK! And that image right there is for something special, so it may be a little while before you see the finished result. Other than that, I’m pretty good!

It’s been scientifically proven…

That glowy eyes instantly raise the evil/scary level of a character. I must use this to my advantage!


Why is it I’m some how the very last to know that my favourite art tutorial resource(aka Manga Revolution) has gone offline? And right when I wanted to finish up one of my wip’s and was looking for a certain tutorial. Luckily for me I found a chached version of the tutorial I wanted. It’s a real shame MR went down, I was tempted to make an account there and give my Mangabullet account a little more attention. I’d love to know what happened to augustc4 and company…

I really should head to bed…

So this makes 3 wips I have in the works but my gift art! I’m almost tempted to just flat colour this and apply some textures like I’ve seen on a couple deviations on deviantArt. Either way I’m gonna finish this :D!

Broken images and 1300!

So I was showing a friend of mine the site only to have him tell me, “a lot of your images aren’t showing up!”. At first he meant images here, so I went through all the entries and everything checked out. But when I went to the site’s gallery section…well it wasn’t pretty. So heading over to the pc where the site root folder is, I had to upload EVERYTHING again. Kept getting a weird message about needing to synchronize everything because there have been site changes since my last FTP uploading session. I don’t remember making any changes, but always good to synch, just in case, so I did. And it’s all better now…I hope. If not, please let me know right away! So I can save myself from embarassment!

So help me God! I will finish this…hey why not try tomorrow? I just can’t wait for the summer, lots of time to draw, post sketches, complete things and just relax…dammit why can’t it be June already?!? Oh and another things, according to statcounter, the site has over 1300 hits, so to all the people who visit, a big thank you! And bring along a few friends the next time you visit! It’ll be fun, we’ll have a few snacks, couple of drinks…okay so you can’t have food on the internet. But either way, thank you!