Archive for ‘ March 16th, 2009


Since first hearing about and seeing japanese youtube videos related to it, I took an interest in the game Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4. Luckily I got it last December, even though the store I pre-ordered it from was a little delayed in getting their shipment. But I have it and have been playing ever since…

So it’s December in the game, and what a roller coaster ride the story has taken! Now I’ve come to the point of the story: identifying the real killer! Now I’ve had a couple of theories in my head as to who it could be, one in particular “clears” one character but can’t explain why another is the culprit. I really want to know if this theory is right, but this game is so good and I’d hate to spoil myself over this! And what’s worse, there’s tons of fan art out there that looks really “suspicious” when it comes to one person! Guess I just need to play through and see if my theory is right after all…so to anyone reading this, ever been tempted to see how an rpg like P4 would end(and PLEASE don’t spoil the ending for me!)? Or have you tried finding the answers through trial and error?