Archive for the ‘ wip ’ Category

Of keyboards, mice and screenr!

Been playing around with this little program called screenr that takes screen captures while you work, game, whatever! Unlike youtube and livestreaming, there’s no editing or configuring a program, just log in with your twitter account and you can make videos that are up to 5 minutes long. Amazing how many little applications want to work with twitter, but then all the cool kids are using twitter, so why not?

So while inking that picture I was blasting away May’n(as Macross Frontier’s Sheryl Nome) music. Always been a strong believer in having really upbeat, fast paced music when you’re doing particularly tedious work as DIGITAL INKING CERTAINLY IS AAAAAHHH…it takes a while. And here’s a personal favourite.


Tried adding a bunch of Macross Frontier songs to the iPod and still it doesn’t want to snyc properly…why iPod why? On the bright side, I was able to replace my keyboard and mouse, only after finding out from Logitech that they don’t make parts for the broken keyboard set. Of course they would have to stop making parts the very moment you need to replace things. I hate you Murphy’s Law!

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The year continues…with PENGUINS!

Yet another disgaea themed fanart for the “project”(I’ll be so glad when everything is drawn and I can actually talk about what this all is for!), almost done it. Would have finished it off today but I was galavanting around town busy! So tomorrow, no distractions, this will be finished and another will be inked, promise!

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Starting the new year off…with PENGUINS!

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2010 review

I know it’s sort of early to do one of those “year in review” type posts but with Christmas around the corner, who has time for blogging? So…this year art wise, somewhat prolific, but I can thank all the vague, secret art work I’ve been drawing for that! Hopefully in the coming year I’ll be able to draw more original stuff and keep the site updated more regularly. Just a matter of putting one’s mind to it I guess. To any of the artists on the big, wide internets, do you have any special plans for the year? Do you want to start a webcomic or perhaps launch an online art portfolio? Or perhaps you want to try selling your work online or at conventions? Whatever your plan is, I’d love to hear! Lastly, I’ve learned yesterday that the pentool is your friend!

Snow daaaaay!

So Toronto got it’s first dusting of snow on Sunday and it’s been snowing on and off since then. Nothing serious like a snowstorm, but people will complain about it none the less, either it’s too much or it’s arrived too early. As for this blog author, I like it!

The town houses around here look so pretty with snow covered rooftops!

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