Archive for the ‘ blog ’ Category

A little background music!


Found this nice plugin that allows you to play mp3 files in blog posts after reading an art blog post. So not wanting to be possibly the only blog out there that doesn’t embed music into posts, I went ahead and installed the audio player. It’s a welcome change to how things are usually done. Do you find listening to music helps when drawing or doing specific hobbies? In case you’re wondering the name of the song is Cyber Dance(a remix version) and it’s from the Disgaea2 Arranged Soundtrack.

In other news school is done and now I can finally get back into sketching, cging and revamping the look of tranquil solace!

Cleanup and then some!

Starting inking another disgaea chibi today after doing a little cleaning around the house, writing up a lab report and customizing the look of this blog. Can’t believe the number of features built into this theme that I’ve only learned about after…a good 6 months of using it? Well it’s better late than never as they say! At least things are nice and organized now! Now that I’ve gotten the hang of using Paint Tool Sai, let’s see how long this line art will take.

Blog Action Day Ver 2.0

Since my last post didn’t seem to be recognized on the Blog Action Day site, I’m trying again!

So today is Blog Action Day. Read more

Blog Action Day

So today is Blog Action Day. The idea is that through blogging, people can spread awareness about issues like climate change, global poverty, environmental problems, world hunger and all the other topics that should be of importance to everyone. I think this is a great idea personally! There are millions of blogs out there and millions of people to read and follow an author’s posts. If enough people notice this or any other blog that’s participating in Blog Action Day, it is my hope that people will be inspired to make changes, no matter how small, to combat the issues that this event stands for. Happy Blog Action Day everyone!

Get those creative juices flowing!

Well for the first time ever in my life, I’ve been going through a bit of an artblock. The weird thing about it is that I have ideas but I haven’t found any that were satisfying enough to draw. Luckily yesterday I made myself a little inspirational wallpaper and as soon as I finished with the wallpaper, ideas started to flow.

Colouring old wip’s sure helps. Can you tell how much I like colouring a character’s eyes…I sure do. Not sure if I’ll put this in the junk section or not, it is sort of old…and the anatomy is atrocious…but I do need more original art. Could always mention that it’s old…hmmm.

Also as a result of new inspiration, I have a new idea for a website layout, so I better get sketching. And one last thing, if you noticed that this blog’s guestbook was broken for a little while, it’s finally fixed and working again, so if you want to leave a little message YOU CAN NOW!

That is all!